Monthly Concerts in the Abbey - Trio Paradis
Trio Paradis (Jacquelyn Bevan - piano, Lisa Betteridge - violin & Linda Stocks - cello) are a highly versatile piano trio who formed in 2009 and are based in Bath. They give around 120 concerts each year and specialise in performing music by women composers and rare/little-known works

The performance begins at 2pm. Refreshments available in the abbey café before the concert where you can meet friends and make new ones over tea/coffee and home-made cakes, and listen to live music for piano and strings.

Tuesday 5th Spetember - Invitation to the Dance - Waltzes, Tangos, Boleros and more
Tuesday 3rd October - Autumn Leaves - Seasonal music featuring trees
Tuesday 7th November - Night & Day, Sun & Moon - well loved Jazz and Classical numbers
Tuesday 5th December - Sleigh Ride - Festive pieces with ice and snow

Concerts are approximately 45 min long and there is a retiring collection
Community Minibus for Hire
The Cartmell Community minibus is available for hire at £1.20/mile, inclusive of fuel and insurance. There are seats for 16 passengers plus driver. Drivers need to be under 70 years of age or have passed a suitable medical. Drivers also need to undertake a short minibus assessment test. There are currently two U3A people who can drive the minibus. See the web site for further details and availability. Please email to book.

Bereavement Group
There is a Bereavement Group in Malmesbury (not U3A) called The Bereavement Help Point which meets every Monday at the King's Arms, Malmesbury from 2 - 4 pm. For further information see

Riverside Community Centre
This new venue is now open and available for hiring. Please visit their web site for further information: Riverside Community Centre
Walk and Draw with Anne
Every Friday 2:30 - 4pm (from Sept 9th).

FREE Malmesbury Sketching Group run by Anne Hayhoe.

Meet at Anne's art studio (Unit 1 Cranmore House).

The sessions will be outside and inside (depending on the weather) - please bring your favourite sketching materials.
for details please see Malmesbury Cinema Web Pages -
Tuesday Club
A club providing social opportunities for adults living in Malmesbury and the surrounding area, especially those who's opportunities are limited by infirmity or age. Club members enjoy a light lunch followed by activities such as board games, seasonal craft making, talks from guest speakers, occasional trips and afternoon tea.

You own transport will be required and the club can only host a maximum of 16 members. The club meets at Malmesbury Activity Zone, Bremilham Road, Malmesbury, SN16 0DQ, from 12:15 to 15:15.
Older Drivers Forum
Bill Reed writes: "Through my RoSPA road safety group I have come into contact with the Older Drivers Forum which promotes advice, awareness and support for older drivers.

Having recently dealt with two elderly drivers in my own family, I think it is a valuable resource which U3A members might like to know about.

The current scheme is based in Hampshire but preparations are being made for a national roll-out.

The website contains a lot of useful information."
Cirencester Advanced Motorists
Following the Monthly Meeting talk by Gordon Burley on 'Driving Safely on Rural Roads', further information can be found on the following web site: Cirencester Advanced Motorists
The British Heart Foundation
The Bristish Heart Foundation has introduced the 'PUSH' campaign to get more people aware of what to do to help someone having a cardiac arrest. It is possible to get a training kit to teach people Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - CPR. This could be something that we as a U3A organise (although it would not be a regular group in that each training session would be a one-off event), so if you might be interested in organising such training, then take a look at - then contact the Groups Coordinator! And, of course, there is also an 'App' to help you as well! With the British Heart Foundationapp, you can practice Hands-only CPR - there's one for Android and one for iPhone. The free app explains how to carry out Hands-only CPR on someone in cardiac arrest using hard and fast chest compressions.
Doorway Project
Lisa Lewis from the Doorway Project in Chippenham gave a moving and informative talk about this charity helping the homeless in Chippenham and surrounding area. Everyone there learnt a lot about rural homelessness and the positive help and difference this project makes week after week and year after year. Members asked about making donations, please use the should you wish to support this worthwhile and independent charity.
Interest Group Table was last modified: 06 April 2024 15:41:12.