Group Meets:Every 2nd Mon
Meeting Times:13:30-16:45
Starting From:
Venue: Town Hall
For further details contact
the Group Leader(s):
Sara Gray
The play-reading group meets in the Weslyan room in the Town Hall during the afternoon of every second Monday of the month, except August.

We currently have one playreading seesion at which it'll generally be possible to read an entire play, rather than having to read over two sessions, with a month's break in between. For more information contact the Goup Leader.

Our aim is to read widely, moving between the more well known 'old favourites' and some less familiar, and sometimes more challenging, plays and playwrights; an opportunity to discuss our responses to the plays is also important. Whatever we are reading our overall aim is to have an enjoyable, stimulating and sociable afternoon. Sara Gray
COST: The play-hire cost is £7:50 and we have decided to charge everyone £3 up front - and when that's all used up, we shall charge some more!. There is also a small donation for refreshments.